Talking about free time is incomplete without talking about organizations and clubs. We discussed about clubs during the lecture. Everyone told about the clubs that we are member of, what we do, when we meet, etc. In this blog post, I mostly share vocabulary that might be handy when talking about your own Vereine.
What do People do in clubs?
- verbringen schönen Zeit
- feiern, Feste
- sich helfen
- renovieren das Vereinsheim
- der Verein: club or organization
- der Bund: alliance (bigger organization)
- die Gemeinschaft: organization
- e.V.: registered organization (eingeschriebener Verein)
- das Dorf: village (auf dem Dorf = in the country)
- der Turnverein: gymnastics club
- die Feurwehr: fire brigade
- das Vereinsheim: place where the club meets
- der Imkerverein: bee keeping club
- der Radsportklub: cycling club
- das Rotenkreuz: red cross
- der Chor: choir
- der Reitverein: riding club (horse-riding)
- der Tennisverein: tennis club
- der Tischtennisverein: table-tennis club
- verbrauchen: use, consume, spend. Also reflexive = wear oneself out.
- wollen: want
- jemanden anschauen: to look at someone
- das Gegenstand: objects of everyday use (pl. Gegenstände)
- die Stöcke: walking poles as those used for Nordic walking
- der Schläger: racquet as in tennis racquet
- der Ball: ball
- der Parketboden: parqueted floor
- der Anzug: suit
- geheilt Hund: pet dog
- die Narbe: scratch (pl. Narben)
- die Biene: bee
- das Honnig: honey
- der Schutz: protection
- die Stiefel: boots
- das Pferd: horse
- die Natur: nature
- der Helm: helmet
- die Beziehung: relation (pl. -en)
- die Sprechstunde: working hours
- VHS = die Volkshochschule: vocational school/training course
Digression - @ sign
The @ sign is called das Kammeräppchen (= clinging small ape). It is called so in German because the sign itself looks like an ape clinging to a branch with its tail. Here is a picture from wikipedia that will hopefully help you remember the word.
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