Hallo und Herzliche Wilkommen - Hello and welcome!

I am currently studying intermediate level German in Munich. I completed my B2.2 German at Volkshochschule München, B2.1 from LMU and B1 from Goethe Institute. I started writing this blog (since level A2.1) in order to share what I learn during the lectures. I envisaged it to be a personal note to myself more than anything else. Nevertheless, if anything written here proves to be useful to you, please do leave a comment. I will continue to upload content as I learn new things, hence it is better to read older posts before reading new ones.
Let's start learning!

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Wie war Leztes Wochenende - How was the last weekend?

Today, we discussed what everyone did last weekend. We revised the rule with 'because' (weil).


Verb is always the second word in every sentence in German. It is somewhat like English. However, unlike English, it does not matter in Deutsch if the subject comes first or the object, we just have to make sure that the verb stays in the second position - unsere Deutsche Lehrerin sagt, "Verb steht immer im zweite Position!". We can either say Ich weiß das or Das weiß ich.


  • Es friert. It is freezing.
  • Schnie auf dem Dach kann auch gefährlich sein. Snow on the roof can also be dangerous.
  • Ich habe einen Film gesehen. I watched a movie.
  • Meine Freunden fahren zurück nach Spanien. My friends returned to Spain.
  • Ich war bei meinem Freund zu Hause. I was with my friend at home.
  • Wir haben viel getrunken und gegessen. We drank and ate a lot.
  • I gehe ins Kino. I went to cinema.
  • Der film hat mir gefallen. I liked the movie.


  • das Wochenende: weekend
  • der Freund/en: friend
  • der Dolmetscher: audio translator (profession)
  • gezapft: from the tap, eg gezapftes Bier
  • der Übersetzer: book or text translator (profession)
  • die Oper: opera
  • die Schnie: snow
  • gefährlich: dangerous
  • ski laufen: to go skiing
  • vermissen: to miss
  • getigert: striped

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