Hallo und Herzliche Wilkommen - Hello and welcome!

I am currently studying intermediate level German in Munich. I completed my B2.2 German at Volkshochschule München, B2.1 from LMU and B1 from Goethe Institute. I started writing this blog (since level A2.1) in order to share what I learn during the lectures. I envisaged it to be a personal note to myself more than anything else. Nevertheless, if anything written here proves to be useful to you, please do leave a comment. I will continue to upload content as I learn new things, hence it is better to read older posts before reading new ones.
Let's start learning!

Thursday, 11 February 2010

Sprichwörter und Zitate - Proverbs and Quotes

For a change, here are some proverbs and quotes. I am writing what I understood. If you think I misinterpreted something, I'd like to know.


  • "Es ist noch kein Meister vom Himmel gefallen" means: it's not a big deal.
  • "Was Hänschen nicht lernt, lernt Hans nimmermehr" means: you cannot teach old dog new tricks.
  • "Übung macht den Meister" means: practice makes man perfect.
  • "Morgen, morgen, nur nicht heute, sagen alle faulen Leute" means: lazy people postpone everything for tomorrow.
  • "Ohne Fleiß kein Preis" means: there is no success without hard work.
  • "Um etwas Gutes zu lernen, ist es nie zu spät" means: it is never late to learn something good.
  • "Aller Anfang ist schwer" means: every beginning is difficult.


  • Konfuzius: "Was du mir sagst, das vergesse ich. Was du mir zeigst, daran erinnere ich mich. Was du mich lässt, das verstehe ich." means:
    I forget what you tell me. I remember what you show to me. I understand what you do(?) to me
  • Bertrand Russell: "Man sollte eigentlich im Leben niemals die gleiche Dummheit zweimal machen, den die Auswahl is so groß" means:
    Man cannot make the same mistake twice because the world is very competitive
  • Galileo: "Man kann einen Menschen nichts lehren, man kann ihm nur helfen, es in sich selbst zu entdecken" means:
    Man cannot teach others. He can only help them discover
  • Seneca: "Lang ist der Weg durch Lehren, kurz und wirksam durch Beispiele" means:
    Long is the way through theory, short and effective through examples
  • Lenin: "Klug ist nicht, wer keine Fehler macht. Klug ist der, der es versteht, sie zu korrigieren" means:
    Wise is not who does not err, but one who corrects his mistakes

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