Hallo und Herzliche Wilkommen - Hello and welcome!

I am currently studying intermediate level German in Munich. I completed my B2.2 German at Volkshochschule München, B2.1 from LMU and B1 from Goethe Institute. I started writing this blog (since level A2.1) in order to share what I learn during the lectures. I envisaged it to be a personal note to myself more than anything else. Nevertheless, if anything written here proves to be useful to you, please do leave a comment. I will continue to upload content as I learn new things, hence it is better to read older posts before reading new ones.
Let's start learning!

Monday, 2 December 2013

Grenze Überwinden

Grenzen Überwenden

Today, we talked about the reunification of East and West Germany into one country. We read a lot of text on that topic. The following vocabulary will hopefully help you to understand texts written about the event.


  • die Verteidigung: defence
  • der Klassenfeind: class enemy, political jargon used by communists to refer to capitalists
  • verweigern: to refuse sth. or sb.
  • das Staunen: astonishment
  • erledigen: to settle, to take care of
  • unblutig: bloodless, bloodlessly
  • sich mit jdm. verbrüdern: to fraternize
  • beiläufig: random, casual
  • unverzüglich: prompt, immediate
  • die Fassungslosigkeit: bewilderment
  • kurzfristig: short, last-minute, in the short term
  • stürmen: to storm, to charge
  • vorlegen: to move
  • die Voraussetzung: requirement, prerequisite
  • erteilen: to issue (eg. a Visa)
  • der Anlass: occassion
  • die Behörde: authority
  • das Einlenken: the back down
  • erzwingen: to force or to compel (erzwingt, erzwang, hat erzwungen)
  • etwas geht ohne Weiteres:
  • der Flüchtling: refugee
  • zu etwas führen: to supply
  • die Genehmigung: permit
  • der Grenzübertritt: border crossing
  • der Massenprotest: mass protest
  • die Sondergenehmigung: exceptional permit
  • überwinden: to overcome
  • der Anlass: occassion, reason, cause
  • die Aussetzung: suspension, adjournment

If you want to practice memorizing them, click here to hide meanings or here to shuffle the list.


I will not upload the texts from the book from now on, and only reference them. After going through the vocabulary section in the blog, reading the articles should be a breeze.

  • Kapitel 8. Seite 50 b. c.
  • Kapitel 8. Seite 150 Übung 3a, 3b, und 3c.

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